Well, dear Wonkers, it appears you have finally learned what the tip lineis for, as you have sent along the Wonkettiest story that ever Wonketted, this Daily Caller masterpiece, "Hawaii senator Brian Schatz involved in simulated sheep rape rituals." Click!
Right down dangerous to have them pledges walking around them cliffs with them hip waders on, someone should check into that they could have fell and got hurt
Sad sex dungeon or S&D sex dungeon
Right down dangerous to have them pledges walking around them cliffs with them hip waders on, someone should check into that they could have fell and got hurt
Wouldn't that be a lamb?
At Yale they just sing about poor little lambs who have lost their way.
At Pomona they do something about it.
to most of them, it's A-1 brag material around the water cooler
"it appears you have finally learned what the tip line is for, "
But we're still fuckheads, amirite?
Remove the lipstick, and that sheep reminds Republicans of Sarah Palin, except more smarter.
The true nightmare is considering the poor intern who had to google images for "sexy sheep".
Would rather have Druids than Picts.
No more virgin wool?
That headline pic is 100% pure, uncut nightmare fuel.
Only ewe.
Now he's on the lamb?
[<i>blink, blink</i>], stares across the room, glances out the window, [<i>blink, blink</i>] I got nothing.
Gamma Gamma Bo Bama Banana-Fana Fo-Fama Fee-Fi-Mo-Mama Gamma!