Oh, dammit.

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Somewhere in Wisconsin, as I recall.

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TWWTW forever.

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Dipshit gave away Sammy Sosa.

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It' actually quite past Nixonian. There's a trickle down effect to the corruption that led to murders in both South Africa and Brazil prior to the last two World Cups.

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I'm hoping. The corruption at the top leads to the worse abuses at the bottom.

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Sepp was very, very good at funneling money to the poorest of the FA's in Africa, the Caribbean, the South Pacific, and South East Asia (to name a few). A lot of those places have de facto pay to play corrupt systems of governance and economic endeavor. The fact that FIFA operated the same way didn't bother them in the slightest, and Sepp was sure to keep the money rolling in. I was not in the least surprised he won last week.

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For those who wonder why this matters, here's an excellent article about it from Brian Phillips of Grantland a few years ago.


for the tl;dr crowd, the corruption at the top has lead to far worse things downstream. Like political assassinations.

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Plus more than 1000 construction workers dead in Qatar.

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Russia has an effective defense though: they just keep on retreating into the backfield until winter arrives.

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Wonkers, you have all missed the point. Remember that GW Bush fellow, with his warmongering and his waterboarding and his invading the wrong countries? Remember how he made the US of A the most despised country in the world? That Obama bloke did some things to fix our reputation (mainly by being black and literate and winning the Nobel Peace Prize), but only partly.

But this Loretta Lynch! She is the hero of the world! And she's black! Which no one even knew there was such a thing as more than one black person in American goverment! And she's A SHE!! And she kicked the ass of the most powerful and most universally hated person on the planet! (And that's not an exaggeration, on name recognition alone.)

The fact that the USA is the one nation that really does not give two fucks about soccer is the reason why we could kick over the hornet's nest when no one else dared to touch it. I'm telling youall Yanks: head to South America or Europe pronto: they will buy you all the drinks.

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It's the opportunity for a soccer mom to run FIFA. I know lots of them who are overly over-qualified for the job.

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Wow, Bill Griffith is still drawing Zippy.

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Fabulous Income for Fraudulent Assholes

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