Consider medical bankruptcy to be a fresh start.

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A couple of weeks ago, I responded to a scene where a person had suffered a life-threatening injury as the result of an explosion.

As we were packaging the patient for transport to the hospital, a medivac helicopter was en route to the hospital as well, to take the patient to a higher level of trauma care once the patient was stable enough for medivac transport.

This patient made no 'choices' related to who would be providing initial medical care. There was no free-market in effect. There was no 'in-network' consideration.

In our efforts to provide appropriate emergency care, we (the responders) racked up many tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills for the patient and their family.

On other scenes, I have stuffed unconscious patients into medivac helicopters for what I know will be at least a $30,000.00 ride. There are, from a practical standpoint, no choices for the patients or the responders in those situations.

From the (admittedly) narrow lens of emergency medical care, the whole 'preserve choice' argument regarding private health insurance is a complete fabrication.

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Hoarding is considered a disease... unless it's wealth hoarding. Then it the best!

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You are objectively wrong. Stop trying to pick a fight for the sake of fighting. It's boorish.https://www.google.com/amp/...

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PLEASE read Wendell Potter's twitter thread.

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I feel like your metaphor got away from you some toward the end.

What evidence do you have that A little chest-thumping right now would read well with the populace?

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Okay, here's my question mark. Don't you think that if Bernie is elected on a promise of providing universal health care by executive fiat, the Republican talking point du jour would be instantly reset to "Commie Christ-killer wants to death panel your children?"

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Yep. Health care isn't just another good or service where you can decide to forgo it and buy new shingles for your house instead.

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Americans love to save money on bargains. Universal Healthcare will save millions of dollars for the consumer (i,e, patient) which is why the industry spends millions of dollars claiming it won't. Ok so we have a nation of bankrupt people who cannot pay medical bills or buy needed medicine costing hundreds and thousands of dollars more than people in Europe and Canada pay. What? healthcare at a reasonable cost? Medicine at an affordable cost? How un-American! (We are so stupid!!)

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I remember watching those Harry & Louise ads and wondering if anyone believed that shit.

Welp. They did.

The Obamacare "You can keep your doctor" as far as I know everyone did keep their doctor.

Maybe, "Obama did not lie. People kept their doctors, they changed insurance."

Bernie is the problem. M4A is a great slogan. Claiming that other people had some disagreement other than how to get there was the problem. So if Bernie had not spent have a decade pretending that Dems are the enemy of universal healthcare, this would not be a problem. If he would stop attacking Dems for having different paths there would be no talking points. Again Bernie is God and Russia's gift to the Republicans.

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Isn’t that their talking point in relation to the proposed M4A already? Have I missed a more reasonable response from the Nazis???

I think if anyone other than Trump, or one of theirs, is elected, they are gonna turn up their propaganda machine to full power, and attempt to incite a war.

Btw, I’m for Warren. She’s reasonable. I don’t like seeing her having to water down her plans.

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We still have not gotten rid of the Hyde Amendment. So Medicare for All Men's Health needs is the option.

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I mean people respond to overt confidence.

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Traditions are important!

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Or, a more recent example - Hillary Clinton 66 million votes, and Donald Trump 63 million votes. That's a pretty clear sign that the majority of Americans do NOT want a Republican president.

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