So Pulitzer won't care if these guys get the book thrown at them. Ok then.

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C-SPAN is now broadcasting the live feed from the hearing room, but reports that the hearing will not begin until 10:45.

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I've been glancing over at the SCOTUSblog. I had read some concerns about this hearing being at the same time as the opinion release and all those blockbuster cases are pending. As far a I can tell Dobbs isn't coming out today and they should be about finished with the ones they did announce. One if about bond hearings for detained non citizens and I can't tell how it came out because their live feed has conflicting info -- either you have a right to one or you don't, kind of a big differfence,

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Hope he remembered to bring the statement, or he'll have to have Stepien fetch it.

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I read somewhere that in addition to his lawyer reading a statement they may use video of some of his testimony to the committee. That would take a little time to set up, I guess.

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Yeah I cooled off when I heard that. They've got his recorded testimony and I'm not a monster.

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Family emergency: "They're going to shoot my dog if I testify!"

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Now can they do that to John Eastman? Sidney Powell? etc.?

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"just going into labor" is actually kind of a big event.But going into labor EARLY can definitely be an emergency. Needing a sudden C-Section is an emergency. All kinds of things can turn a birth into an emergency. Don't be quite so dismissive to a medical event that is actually quite dangerous for a lot of women.

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"Inebriated Guliani" FTW!

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Even more generous, she said only half of them were deplorables.

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Often more dangerous than an abortion, you know.....

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That's because Kira's off-station.

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They'd turn it into, "Oh a WOMAN went into labor, because WOMEN do that, I thought it was wasnt (actually checks notes) binary, libtards! Check and mate!"

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In the US, glucose measurements are (for example) 140 mg/dL, or milligrams per deciliter. I don't know of any other example of the widespread use of deciliter in the US.

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