-20 is not bad with no wind, and don't stay outside.

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Hmmmm....not so sure about that. For one thing, foreign investment would have vaporized.

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Even this photo of him within the link... His face is just asking to be indicted.


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When Rs make obvious and false claims, upon getting called out on them, they just respond "nooo that's not how it works" and then they proceed to explain to you the exact and obvious false claim that you called them out to begin with.

Democrats just put the truth out, yes.

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Fact: Hugo Chavez was a poor mixed-raced kid who wanted to play pro baseball, so he joined the Army in the hope of making their team. And now you know... the rest of the story.

Isn't it odd that the two Latin American countries where the big game is baseball rather than soccer are... Venezuela and Cuba?

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oh, but havent you heard?...latest chuck toad headline, 'dems in disarray over whether to fix obamacare or scrap it for medicare for all'

khaa--RYST cant anybody shut that guy the fuck up?..yaknow, we can do both, right? fix one, aim for the other?

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agreed--AND, all of this bullshit now and since then could have been acvoided if SOMEONE (not gonna mention any names, the usual suspects, etc) had stuck to his/her guns and insisted on the public option way back when

by now, so many people would have chosen a public option, and not had to rely on the whims of red state prick governors expanding medicaid, that the business and lobbying power of the insurance mafia would have taken a big hit--which, lets face it, is what we want--we have to kill off the insurance mafia if we're ever gonna get anywhere on this

leaving the biggest part of the ACA (medicaid expansion) in the hands of republican governors was a huge mistake, and doomed the ACA to mostly failure because of so manu built-in weaknesses and opportunities to sabotage it--a federal public option would have given people who need it most a way to bypass the political sabotage that republicans were sure to do

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What information do you have that Maduro was not elected fairly? Election counts are televised live and are much more open and transparent than in the USA. Venezuela is another regime change shitshow orchestrated by the USA against a socialist government. Read up on the NICA Act and how Nicaragua is the next target. https://venezuelanalysis.com/

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Everyone knows the best synonym for debate is disarray.

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I'm convinced he already has.

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I live in northern Colombia near the border and my family is a mix of Colombian and Venezuelan people. The last time an election result in Venezuela was not contested was when the Carter Center monitored the first election of hugo Chavez. When Chavez came to power he immediately proceeded to disembowel the democratic institutions of his country turning it into a communist fantasyland for the party elite, and a place of suffering for all others. Maduro, his hand picked successor made it horrible for everyone. Come visit, I'll show you around.

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OK this is a really good response Villainess, as you have personal and local knowledge of the situation. Thank you.

As with other situations, what it boils down to is there is no preferred or optimal option available. Which still makes the US (and other countries) sticking their political noses into the mess wrong, and likely to make matters worse.

I feel the most sorrow for the people of the country, as they have to deal with this situation, as well as the probability that it may get worse before it gets better. All the best to you.

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My view on the matter is simple. Which countries are supporting which side?

Maduro: China, Russia, Turkey, Cuba, Syria, Nicaragua.

Guaidó: Australia, Canada, Israel, the European Union.

Which team do you want to be on?

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I have to be completely honest. I could care less about which of those governments you are referring to support which candidate. I am witnessing real human suffering that is a result of the Venezuelan government's incompetence. I am not counting on ANY of those governments, which quite frankly with the exception of Canada, all have their own problems with corruption. So please don't make this about where the battle lines are drawn. You have absolutely no clue about the kind of suffering that is going on here. None. And although your view is simple, it has absolutely no bearing on the way forward to a solution.

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I was wondering if you have a view on a potentially successful solution that eventually restores a fair election process, while rebuilding the country's economic and social infrastructure?

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I honestly don't know if there is one that doesn't involve the people of that country uprising. I am both impressed and concerned that China has stayed out of it, given that Maduro has allowed the infrastructure of that country to rot, though he wasn't left with a strong hand when Chavez left. But if I were China, I would be pushing for new leadership, because Maduro has not the capacity to govern and give to them that which they care about, raw and refined resources. Russia I can understand wanting Maduro to stay in power. For them its more of a philosophical thing, they want to be able to claim the system that Chavez began, is successful. That relies on Maduro staying on power. As far as the western powers go, I expect and want nothing more from them than funding to allow for Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to assist in the absolutely massive exodus of people from Venezuela. Don't get me wrong, ultimately the influx of hard working, talented immigrants will help these countrie prosper, but in the near term, its chaos.

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