If the goddamned Israelis had just let us in on the deal, we could have had them deliver an extra rocket or two on our behalf, and Obama could have told Assad, "That's what you get. Don't do it again!"

Because Teatardlican Americans are completely satisfied if the Prez just goes and blows some shit up. Give 'em some video of the shit blowing up, and they'll be happy for weeks.

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Think of it as a more efficient filibuster.

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A sudden onset of severe lead poisoning seems inevitable. Problem being that now that you've got the religious nutters involved, the fuckitude will go on more or less forever, long after the current issues are forgotten.

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well said itt - and argued everyone.

i love it when the wonkette's show their creds.

and syria seriously sucks.

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Remember that one time Sarah Palin was almost Vice President?

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Don't we want the rebels to like us, though, just in case they win?

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And yet you're looking very natural...

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How about we put away the game of "Risk" for a while, huh folks?

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When I read about this yesterday, those were the exact words I heard coming out of my mouth.

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