If we're going all counterfactual, a more elegant solution might be to arrange to have Hitler admitted to (rather than humiliatingly rejected by) the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.

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Summer school, Breakfast Club style?

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People have talked about going back in time and killing Hitler for decades. Nobody ever considers the consequences of this. I know I wouldn't have been born if WWII hadn't happened, because my parents would never have met, so I have mixed feelings about it. Yes, 40 million people would not have died, but 60 million US Baby Boomers wound never have been born, including me, so I wouldn't know about it. It's an odd conundrum.

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He might still have been humiliated when he realized just how much better Schiele was. Although, probably not, Schiele would not have been to his taste. Or we could put some actually loving people in his childhood.

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"There's nothing like a little baby-strangling to start the day right. Am I right, folks?"

Just so long as you're on your knees whilst strangling.

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Now, if you could hit "October" 1917 and prevent the damn coup, just think of all the fuss that could have been avoided. And all the suffering. Because, having Stalin as an alternative gave Hitler some sort of kromulence.

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Win win win win win win...So many, many wins.

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You think Jeb has the thought processes to come to this conclusion?

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Yeah, don't know what to say...It sucks.

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Colonel Amherst was on of the blanketeers. (Blanketears?)

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Turkey did fairly well with whatever tech it had in 1915.(By the way, that's the atrocity that birthed the terms "genocide" and "holocaust.")

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Totally Nazis. Not a thing in there is Soviet Russia under Stalin.

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Although, from what I can remember about that ride, there would have been still another potential assassin waiting over there.

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Yeah, sometimes I wonder if a whole bunch of future do-gooders didn't all time travel back and do all sorts of things and that our history is the most stable, so it won out.

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Has Jeb ever read a comic book?

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