As a left leaning weenie, it's only when I scout around the internet and dig do I find the better propositions and well crafted policy ideas. I don't know if it's the fault of Dems for being bad messengers or that actually it takes some time and patience to listen, think , and comprehend the true complexities of good policy.

Recently spent some time listening to Jake Sullivan a left leaning policy guy who been in and around Washington. Inspiring truly that there are people like him in the mix. And then one has people like Ryan Mcconelland a whole laundry list of willfull imbeciles who worship self serving greed as a way to govern.

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Howdy! Speaking of surfing, was elated to read independent (R) Mark McKinnon's piece in today's (6/27) Daily Beast. He posits that my political hero, Old Handsome Joe Biden - hereafter, known as OHJB - should simply declare himself a candidate for 2020 right now. Among the problems this would solve: providing a worthy foil and perpetual nemesis for Trump; taking focus off internecine warfare between standard (D)s and progressives; reminding the dimwits who swung for Trump that his campaign rhetoric was BS cover for his big-buck buddies. Personally, think this is pure genius - plus, it would give Joe the candidacy he earned, but was ultimately denied. Even if he chose to opt out by 2020, up-and-comers would have had enough cover to gain traction. DO IT, OHJB!

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Now that you mention it, that seems like a really good idea. Thanks for sharing that.

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Maybe a little off topic here but, as I watch the world news I am struck by the feeling that there seems to be something missing. America seems to be missing. My government seems to be missing. We had a government, and then there was an election and now, I don't know wht we have. But there does indeed seem to be a vacuum in the world.Not a hopeful feeling.

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So, Ozzy Osbourne once said that putting subliminal messages in records for fans to kill themselves is a bad idea because if your fan base is dead the follow up record *probably* won't sell that well. How do these high Watt IQs not have the same intellectual computing power as drug addled Ozzy? Who is going to vote for these nimrods when their base are all dead from fixable health problems?

... but then again it does make sense to take all of their money and give it to the wealthy. What do dead people need with money?

Edit: pretty sure it was Ozzy who said that.

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I kinda feel bad for the rich... Look at all of those unions ganging up on them.The Poor poor rich... Wait... ?

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If you don't support rolling martini bars you are un-American and want the terrorists to win. Dirty socialist.

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This whole charade kinda reminds me of this:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

They're gonna do it any way why pretend?

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LD50 for acute randiation poisoning is 400 Rand. Exposure to Atlas Shrugged puts you well over that.

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Not if you have adequate critical thinking buffering

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Unless you're very wealthy.

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I don't think you're using "unbelievably" correctly.

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Today, someone on NPR described Ted Cruz as being "sort of on the conservative side."

Also, I like the "senator has concerns" stories, but I'm really looking forward to the after-vote explanations for their "yes" votes. Those things usually produce some real gems.

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Folks on the comment board of my local paper have taken to referring to this bill as the "Health Care Ban".

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I've had the same thought, against my better angels. LET IT HAPPEN. Hasten the demise of the toxic, evil dumbass voters that let this shitshow happen in the first place, and then it won't happen again, because their kids and grandbabies know better? Very Hegelian dialectic, If'n I say so myself, but also not very nice, which counts for something. Save them from themselves? DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE?

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