yeah, hamsters are cool. they gots pockets in their cheeks yuh know

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if they vote for her then we get them primaried next time they're up for reelection . . . don't forget . . . start looking for candidates and get them polished and ready.

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i just send the Mark Twain letter.

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No,she has a MB from Trump U. That's a master's in bullshit.

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“severe pain or suffering in service of obtaining information or punishment." Gosh, that perfectly describes my university senior year final's week, and also my master's thesis defense. Who knew? Is there a statute of limitations here? Of course there is.

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How do you say testicles in Russian?

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I was thinking brain, but your idea is better.

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I second that motion.

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Well, now that he mentions it, there are a lot of questions he has not provided complete answers for.

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I would like to have an emergency backup bladder, please.

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My father always said that a B.S. meant "Bullshit" and an M.S. meant "More Shit" and a Ph.D. meant "Piled Higher and Deeper."

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Ye gods. Is he auditioning for the lead in the third grade Christmas pageant, 'The Most Delicate Snowflake'?

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What is it with these guys and their so-called advanced degrees? First there was "Call me Doctor" Gorka, and now Carter Page, a known idiot, insisting on putting Phd after his name on twitter. It's like they are overcompensating for their tiny brains (or something). . Sheesh. Not a good look for the Rethugagains who are always branding the other party as elitists. Could you imagine if Rachel Maddow, an effing Rhodes Scholar for christsakes, insisted on being called Dr. Maddow?

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He and Hannity can have a party.

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PhD. Phucking Derpmonkey

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