What kind of Republicans are they? Everybody knows they should be giving out bootstraps.

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Couldn't find any "positive role models in our community" wearing their pants low because they defined all people doing so as not positive role models. Not exactly subtle.

ETA: Also too: Mustaf? That sounds almost... Mohammatan. Burn him!

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Psasha and LaTrina, reminds me of the old joke about psychiatrist having a silent p.

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Reminds me of the furor over suspenders worn with one strap hanging down in the 1980's. It meant something terrible awful, but I can't remember exactly what.

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As soon as we get finished "grinding" at high school dances, we will work on that.

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<i> Related sociological finding: Vegetarians don’t eat meat due to a lack of steak knives.</i> That's some Grade-A snark right there.

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The yutes always find a style that their parents hate. It's a coming-of-age imperative to establish their own identity and ease the inevitable parting. (Followed by the inevitable moving back in 'cause things didn't work out.) But that's no reason to take a belt to them.

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