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Think of it as putting a little bit (a very little bit!) of Britain into some immigrants.


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I heard that too, just one time, can't remember where, not another peep till you an hour ago, so...

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Of course it's a woman's job, why do you think they call it "Secretary"?

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I is old also. I deliberately didn't get another cell phone for many years after I had one for a job that chained me to my work all the time. Fast forward several years to getting a crappy flip phone to keep in touch with my kids...I had it for at least a year before I even realized I COULD text on it.

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Text is a most excellent screening method, as far as I'm concerned. My phone is on silent and I never bothered to set up a voicemail account. If I don't recognize the number, I don't pick up (assuming I ever notice the call is coming in). Anyone I would care to communicate with knows to text me or email me. As such, I don't have to deal with all kinds of nonsense.

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Ooooohhhh...those baby animals!

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Same here. I hate talking on the phone. And people calling makes me feel like they're demanding my immediate attention.

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No, you see, if you increase inflation 4 percent, the dollar value of the GDP appears to increase. Promise kept! It also has the side effect of increasing returns for investment capital. On paper.

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Dogs and cats living together!

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That's such an obvious 'shop. CPAC won't have to fortify itself to defend against the zombie survivors of the destruction of America until 2018.

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Poor, poor, Kellyanne, there was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children (5) she didn't know what to do.

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Good night!

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After being given the mysterious CIA brain cancer, both William Casey and Lee Atwater expressed regrets for their shitty behavior. Too little, too late.

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CPAC starts today, and the bloodthirsty, flesh-starved crowds are salivating to hear the grunts and shrieks from Trump, President Bannon, Nigel Farage, and a plethora of Fox News and RT wingnuts.

Books and DVDs for sale out in the lobby.

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The law of unintended consequences. Will be occurring bigly with this administration.http://www.forbes.com/forbe...

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