Instead of "stop or I'll shoot", may I suggest they shout<blockquote> Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!</blockquote>

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I say promote them to securing the Syrian border lets see how fast they want to play soldier when it is more than a bunch of 5 year old's they are facing. How big of an old boy are you now wankers

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Hey, I think he reached the rank of Corporal.

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We're gonna need Georg Cantor.

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♫ I shot the ... ♪ oh shit.

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Long was backing away minutes after the event. As usual, he seems to have forgotten about the permanence of the toobz.

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I prefer sax, myself.

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Yes. There is a bit of stupid happening there, ain'a?

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You must have been in a hurry. (Grammar, spelling) ;>)

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Partly because they wisely didn't actually, you know, fire.

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They did get their history lessons from "Murrika, Land I Love."

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These guys are itching to shoot some Messicans. This will not end well.

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You trust these goons around fire? They'd just try to shoot out the flames.

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If he was only a Specialist, going all the way to Commander/Comandante may be promoting himself too far, Subcomandante may be a better rank.

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They want to cast out immigrants discourteously.

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They beat back the BLM in the battle of Bundy's Cows.

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