when I was growing up there were no school loans, but colleges and universities were subsidized by the state and federal government grants and scholarships were plentiful because ... I am the generation who grew up with Sputnik. The fact that the soviets got a satellite up in the air first scared them to start the space program and look for a generation of educated kids. After the 70's people decided they didn't want to pay for kids to go to college to protest, not realizing how the war in Vietnam was destroying the educated generation, only people with money did not go (see Trump, GWBush). if you were educated you could still get drafted. My husband was drafted even though he was legally blind without glasses (they changed the definition, but, strangely, he still could not see), flat fee, and curvature of the spine thanks to 3 years in an iron lung even though he had a degree. On the bus with him was a kid with Asthma, who was changed from 4F to good to serve when they changed the definition of asthma.

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Ronnie got rid of free college in California.

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It tells you ALOT about people who are well off when they get upset about the government trying to help people struggling with student loan debt. It’s not a good look at all. This waiver won’t really help me, but I’m over-the-moon happy for the people who will literally weep with joy having $10,000-20,000 waived. If you can’t be happy for them, I feel sorry for you.

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YOur husband lived three years in an iron lung? Oh.

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I can imagine how important you are to your clients. My son's loans are $155,000 for law school. And he's not making money now-- just breaking even. Contract work for google. Once he told me what it was and it sounded so interesting! To a non-lawyer. But he assures me it's not.

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This seems to be a country built around the idea that businesses have to be treated like little toddlers who always get the white meat.

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Do you think sometimes "If I'd gone to MIT I could have invented CRISPR?" and all that?

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He uses dippity-doo. He must have a special formulation for "dashing guys in Congress."

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I think it's also going to add to the problems of people who have broken legs, broken ankles and cracked skylights.

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Sadie: You forgot the part about how your husband was actually legally dead and still got drafted and had to get out and roll his own coffin up to the Induction Center.

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"And the time period I'm talking about was not like the Depression, or the McKinley administration. She and I ain't that olde."

I didn't know anybody went to college during the Grant Administration.

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Well, I for one, holding $59,000 in Parent Plus loans, will be able to retire next year, at almost 69 years old, from my physically demanding, outdoor, work-in-the-heat-and-the-cold-and-the-rain job since the repayment will be 5% of disposable income.

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Fucking THIS! We’ll said!

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I love you people.

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Dude, I am trying to figure out what "field" requires a "handful of Masters and some Doctorates."

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