mmmMMMmmm...bacon cheesyburger! if we weren't supposed to eat pigs, why do they taste so awesome?

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Oh sure, a reed now and then, maybe, in a hotel. But I wouldn't feel good about myself.

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Ok, stolen; thx bai!

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That's what s/he said!

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Glad I didn't have to pull this car over!

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To be fair polygamy is still illegal, so gay marriage is right out, joints are wasteful (and pot shops seem make some distinction between a "joint" and a "blunt" (wtf?), but with you in spirit: No smiting, barbarism, or economic collapse in sight. And Rick Santorum still can't marry his dog here.

Regarding drought, correlation does not equal causation.

(Another thing I disagree on with OBE (Our Beloved Editrix): Pipes and joints are harsh, my small double bubbler is smooth, easy, and economical, though something of a bitch to clean.)

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SHHH!!, It alway rains here, the sun never shines!! Don't even think of moving here!!

Regarding the Olympics, yeah and the Cascades, too: which is freaking me out because that's where our water comes from. (Don't even think of moving here!)


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I really shouldn't encourage you folks.

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See above.

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Again, see above.

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I'm calling this one on points.

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We must reject all slippery slope arguments, because once we have accepted one, not matter how specious, we must...

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DING! DING! DING! We have a winner... (Sorry, haven't figured out how to make that musical note sign.)

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This may be the grift to end all grifts. They're putting all their chips in on this one. "Gay marriage will be the end of America AAIIIEEEE!!!!! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria! Oh, and send money!"

I worry about these wingnuts. The SCOTUS is going to issue its ruling soon and then they'll have their big freak out. They'll run around like Chicken Little screaming the end is nigh. That may last a few weeks, but then, the majority of Americans will notice that fire still isn't falling from the sky. They'll see preachers aren't being hauled off to FEMA camps and the IRS isn't forcing them to gay marry illegal immigrants or give up their Obamacare. Then in late August the new TV season will begin and they'll forget what everyone was so afraid of.

Then what? What grift are they going to turn to after gay butt sechs marriage hasn't cracked open the Earth? How are they going to top this level of hysteria? How are they going to scare old ladies into sending in their Social Security checks?

Won't somebody please think of the wingnut grifters?

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Guess I should've scrolled down, I was assuming (like a good christian) you weren't you a troll. Or an asshole. Please go back to the Bible and see who you most identify with and what happened to them.

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