Were they allowed to wear underwear?

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We're talking about a guy who wants to bone his own daughter...

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I'd really love for middle America to know that Trump hates fat people.

Oh, please. He only expresses his hatred for...fat or otherwise...women. Though I agree there's a decent chance he hates himself as well.

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As well as the "guys with statues of parrots fucking" vote.

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So that explains his love of escalators.

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That, plus the gif of him pawing her at the convention. Sooooo creepy.

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Oh, thanks guys, I totally missed that -- until you pointed it out. Jeezus on a cracker.

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It helps if half the country isn't made up of drooling morons who watch a propaganda channel 24/7, and are too stupid to even realize they're watching propaganda.

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Sorry. Sounds like you are doing everything you can. Yep, I have an epic douche ex also about whom I sometimes say, "If I'd killed him back in the eighties when I wanted to, I'd be out by now. Opportunity lost."

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That's really considerate of you.I have to admit that as a guy who's had nothing but terrible luck when it comes to romance, I simply can't comprehend how any man could treat his significant other badly. It just makes no sense.

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I won't complain.

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...Before moving on to their Pick Up Artist websites to bitch about how much of a catch and a nice guy they all are, and its all the fault of the women.

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Thanks for all the Rather Be Talking About Things. Here is mine. Three of the nine Monarchs on our patio emerged from their chrysalises today. This is one of them. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That's an elusive demographic!

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In the lawsuit it said he disliked "fat people." I could see him hating ALL fat people (because they're weak, losers, and not 10s). It is odd that he keeps Chris Christie around, though.

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awesome! thanks for sharing.

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