I'm gonna keep saying this until it happens:


Will to power...speak it into reality...

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Someone please show this to a GOP lawmaker...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Tinker Taylor.

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strategizing how best to thwart efforts to make his supporters testify about the riot.

Uh, if you accept a pardon, you can no longer invoke the Fifth Amendment. He's so fucken dumb.

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Cheese-bro and True-Piss

Dammit, simulation! If you're gonna go haywire, at least make the Bad Naughy Zoot Holy Grail tower real, jeez!

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I see a red door and I want it painted blackNo colors anymore I want them to turn black

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Crazy, right?

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Also a pardon is treated as an admission of guilt, right?

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Hm. So... they'll keep quiet now, go to jail and hope Trump remembers to spring them in 2025?

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If Trump wins in 2024, get ready to shoot back. I know I am.

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When to complain or be angry or just woefully ill informed I'd up to the person. My issue with it all is the whinging doesn't seem to based in reality. It's complaining just to complain by the same people over and over again.

Investigations take time. They are also secretive and shouldn't leak. But because there's no daily briefing on who's being investigated fir what and how far along it is, it's clear that nothing is being done. Of course if there were briefings that would lead to an automatic mistrial which would be something else to complain about.

The problem is the law is not whatever fever dream of what is illegal or not. It's not some half remembered Law and Order episode. No one is going to respond to what you just made up. See all the crying about RICO charges. Because it makes sense to use a charge that is harder to investigate, more convoluted to charge, and much harder to prove in court. Or could it be that the complainers sort of remember RICO is bad so that's what should happen?

Honestly, your entire comment is indicative of the problem. Your comment is fundamentally flawed from its premise, so everything that descends from that premise is wrong. You use the DOJ and what they are doing and the 1/6 committe and what they are doing interchangeably. I don't know if you did that on purpose or didn't notice you did it at all.

They are not the same thing. They are not looking for the same conclusions. They don't have the same scope. DOJ is focused on actual criminal investigation. The Committee is focused on the political investigation of every the law failed and what needs to be done to fix those laws. The only thing they have in common is wanting to interview some of the same people but for different reasons.

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Yeah, so is this bridge... problem is it can't go high enough. Bezo's yacht is a sailboat, with massive masts. So I guess he gets credit for being 'green'??? They're going to have to temporarily remove the lift section, then re-install it.

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It appears that nobody actually knows how to use the Fourteenth Amendment? Has it been done before?

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