this pretty much wins my internet for july.

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it's happening isn't it? we're all turning on each other.

curse you doc.

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My captions (all of them, Katie) didn't win??? Imma be a sore loser now. :(

Seriously, though, congrats to everyone who beat me.

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Oh, that's right... I didn't enter anything.

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Dang -- I thought the puke joke was a sure thing. Shoulda stuck with the dick jokes. (Always stick with the dick jokes.)

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With your wife, Morgan Fairchild, right?

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The little photo of Das Perryjugend in Obama's notes is a perfect touch! I WANT TO MAIL YOU MY BAG TOO

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<blockquote>If you want to win next time, pull yourself up by your comedy bootstraps and get off welfare.</blockquote> What is comedy welfare like, exactly? Does the government email you cute cat pictures or something?

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who is this "BTWBFDIMHO" character? I've never seen him/her comment before ... doesn't this site allow comments? And why is this posted so late in the day, when no one is looking? The font's funny as well. FALSE FLAG!!!

/congrats everyone

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<a href="http:\/\/usatftw.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/05\/frnxxym1.gif\?w=660&amp\;h=372" target="_blank">Congratulations on your powers ups, wonkaderos!</a>

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It's disappointing to lose. When there are only five Photoshop entries, and three of them get notice, but not yours, it's even worse.

Rick Perry's sad face really reminded my of Silvio Dante's scowl.

I have to agree that BTW's entry was masterful, though.

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On the internet, no one knows if you are TINY MEXICAN CHILDREN.

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