If "Meadows had made this beg to Willis already. She told him to set his dick on fire and eat it" ISN'T one of the top Evanisms ever, it's got to be pretty darn close.
Indicted co-conspirators or unindicted co-conspirators, they all tried to overthrow OUR government. I look forward to trials, convictions, and prison sentences for AOT, K.
" So we guess if you have any secret plans to mount coups to overthrow the Republic, you better rethink them. Because if Donald Trump can’t do it, you can’t either."
Well dang, I guess my numerous to sundry coup plots are on the back burner for now. However, the bank robbery is still very much on the menu.
I am also steadfast in my determination to wear white after Labor Day. Just to be extra-depraved, I will spell it "Labour."
Not only will I wear white after Halloween (which I will spell "Guy Fawkes Day") my littlest grandniece will creep up behind people in her costume and shout "BOO!" for a month and it will be so cute!
Just watched Rudy on CNN come out of the jail in an SUV, come out of the SUV and give a stupid press conference, and looks like they drove to a bail bondsmen office after that.
Usually someone drops off some cash to the bondsmen before they're released on bond, but we're talking about old entitled republican men so maybe it's different for them.
Jeff Tiedrich this morning:
“yours in service” — holy shit, I love that. that’s going to be my fuck-you line for the rest of my life.
My favorite mug shot o' the day. https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/1502A/production/_130885068_rudy.jpg.webp
My new screen saver.
If "Meadows had made this beg to Willis already. She told him to set his dick on fire and eat it" ISN'T one of the top Evanisms ever, it's got to be pretty darn close.
I laughed out loud.
I know! I did a screenshot and sent it to quite a few fellow libs.
"Good morning Mr. Moron"... Did I read that right?
Close enough.
I need to laugh over this horrendously despicable shit show and buddy, you provide the means for me with every post. THANK YOU.
"Yours in service," etc, etc. A legality slam!! I, for one, cannot get enough of it.
Indicted co-conspirators or unindicted co-conspirators, they all tried to overthrow OUR government. I look forward to trials, convictions, and prison sentences for AOT, K.
Jenna had better get steppin' with that OnlyFans side hustle. There's got to be a christofascist version of OnlyFans, right?
As someone who has had the misfortune of interacting with John Eastman in person, this mugshot gives me so much pleasure
He looks so natural.
He really does resembles the leader of the Heaven's Gate cult.
Rudy G’s mugshot!!!
This whole thing is collapsing into comedy. Let's have so much more of this, because I can't get enough!!
Nosferatu!!! A`la ,SpongeBob SquarePants... 😊
It is actually better than any pic he has done lately. I mean, bad but better.
Looks less disheveled than has been his norm, and no hair dye drips.
Now he's a just run-of-the-mill, not as spiffy as a mob boss.
Goin’ down ta Georgia gonna have myself a time.
Is that the stollen we like.
" So we guess if you have any secret plans to mount coups to overthrow the Republic, you better rethink them. Because if Donald Trump can’t do it, you can’t either."
Well dang, I guess my numerous to sundry coup plots are on the back burner for now. However, the bank robbery is still very much on the menu.
I am also steadfast in my determination to wear white after Labor Day. Just to be extra-depraved, I will spell it "Labour."
I dare you to wear white after Halloween!
Not only will I wear white after Halloween (which I will spell "Guy Fawkes Day") my littlest grandniece will creep up behind people in her costume and shout "BOO!" for a month and it will be so cute!
The last line speaks for me...
Ah, but I am not a subject of His Majesty Charles III, so I am being a bit of a Rebel. Strike rebel and substitute self-promoting asshole.
BTW, I assume that we are distantly related because the first three letters of our DNA are the same.
It’s possible….. as Bill Murray famously said in “Stripes,” my ancestors *were* kicked out of every decent country in Europe…. 😛
I started listening to Roodles, and that is 55 seconds I have LOST FOREVER!!!!!!!!!
Just watched Rudy on CNN come out of the jail in an SUV, come out of the SUV and give a stupid press conference, and looks like they drove to a bail bondsmen office after that.
Usually someone drops off some cash to the bondsmen before they're released on bond, but we're talking about old entitled republican men so maybe it's different for them.
Has to be in a beige burlap sack with a $ on it
CNN filmed the whole thing.
Ya, I missed it, I may have spoken out of turn and don't understand the bond thing.