How long till FOX News 'debunks' this ad by saying "It is all a lie. You don't need to set your own leg with a cardboard cast or duct tape your face back together, because you can ALWAYS go to the Emergency Room! Legally, they can't turn you away!"

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I <3 my Canuckistanian health-care! :)

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Technically, all healthcare is socialist, in that out of a big pool of people the healthy pay for the sick. The only difference is whether you pay premiums to a corporation or taxes to the government.

So I say, TAX ME BIG GOVERNMENT, I WANT MY SLUT PILLS! Granted I'm a guy, but you never know when you're going to run into a slut.

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cook county voted for rauner.

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you guys! as an obamacare chick from IL i <i> i cannot tell you how fucking proud i am of this shit</i>.

our local obamacare (GCI) campaign sucked last year. hell it still sucks. but luckplan is seriously awesome.

when they first rolled it out, i wrote mr fuflans and noted that GCI managed to achieve wonkette worthy levels of snark.

(personally, i love the 'get a quote' page).

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