Sorry guys, It's tomorrow. So one more day of suffering political ads on TV, and one more day of not knowing which teatard-pandering Republican will get the nomination.
That beltbuckle looks like she carved up a croc and taped it to a belt. And why is she leaning so awkwardly forward? Hasn't she learned to walk with those ta-tas yet? No, because they're brand new! Has she had breast implant surgery recently? I think this is proof.
The beige belt and black capri jeans are what really pushes this over the top, though.
In Steelman's TV ad featuring Palin, she manages to cram every single catchphrase she knows into 30 seconds, with enough time for her to say her own name, Steelman's name, and the candidate approval notice somehow. It was like watching EVERY SINGLE OTHER TV APPEARANCE she has ever made, but with the actual candidate's name shoe-horned in Mad-Lib style.
Where is James O'Keefe? Is this another hooker stunt?
The posture says 'anal leakage.'
She's going all M. Cyrus on us.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
You know who <i>else</i> wrapped his fake tits in a v-neck superman tee?
i would say less rolling stones and more ke$ha.
Sorry guys, It&#039;s tomorrow. So one more day of suffering political ads on TV, and one more day of not knowing which teatard-pandering Republican will get the nomination.
Come on guys, it&#039;s not the first time Palin has stood on shaky platforms.
It looks like she started out with full-length pants but they shrunk up trying to get away from the bondage shoes.
That beltbuckle looks like she carved up a croc and taped it to a belt. And why is she leaning so awkwardly forward? Hasn&#039;t she learned to walk with those ta-tas yet? No, because they&#039;re brand new! Has she had breast implant surgery recently? I think this is proof.
The beige belt and black capri jeans are what really pushes this over the top, though.
The only person I&#039;ve seen wear those is Lady Gaga (of course)
Switched at birth? <a href="http://thesobsister.tumblr...." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">http://thesobsister.tumblr....
Clothing matching her mental age.
This is what happens when the Republican National Committee is not buying her clothes.
In Steelman&#039;s TV ad featuring Palin, she manages to cram every single catchphrase she knows into 30 seconds, with enough time for her to say her own name, Steelman&#039;s name, and the candidate approval notice somehow. It was like watching EVERY SINGLE OTHER TV APPEARANCE she has ever made, but with the actual candidate&#039;s name shoe-horned in Mad-Lib style.
She must have called Bristol and asked for some fashion sense.
I do look forward to Barb&#039;s and LimeyLizzie comments on this particular subject.
FYI: I am not surprised about this. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">