You wouldn't want those Austrian warmbloods to get cold.

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ANN ROMNEY: But– he would see that crate and, you know, he would, like, go crazy because he was going with us on vacation. He'd start howling, and play games like "hide under the bed where they can't get me" and "dig my claws into the carpet" and "please for the love of God don't stick me into that death chamber again." Honestly, sometimes the dog was so excited he voided himself <i>before</i> Mitt and the boys could get him in the crate! Ah, fun times ...

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"Dog sees the crate and gets excited because he knows he's going on vacation..."

Yeah, it was just the terrifying ride on the car roof part that spoiled it, Ann. Stupid cunt.

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Ghandi said you could judge a country by how they treat their animals. I think you can judge a politician the same way. And how they would run the country.

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yeah i really thought there was no way he could enrage me as much as the other wingtard loons.

but i was wrong.

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Indeed. Let's abolish the Department of Education and public education completely, then boys will be free to go to Belmont Hill and girls can go to Miss Porter's.

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Let us not forget that the Louis Vuitton luggage was warm and safe inside the car.

I have a feeling the dressage horses had better travel quarters.

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Even Michael Vick thinks that is fucked up.

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My thoughts exactly. Think of the fun if the Romney clan had chowed down before setting off in the car -- the dog probably would have ended up wishing it <i>were</i> riding on the roof!

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