No effing way. I hated that show as kid and I dislike beer. On the other hand if someone spots me a gin or vodka gimlet, I'll simmer right down. Except that I'm at work and would get fired. It'll have to wait. sigh.
Nah, you&#039;re doing it all wrong. Corporations are people, too, and have free speech rights, and money is speech (so sayeth <i>Citizens United</i>) therefore argle bargle taxes on speech is oppression dictatorship CommieBama.
The new rules are aimed at organizations that cheat and lie and bend the rules. To be fair, this does have a disproportionate effect on teabagger and other Kochroach-funded groups.
They haven&#039;t shut up about it all damn day...
I had a good giggle when Chris Wallace (covering Bret Baier&#039;s shift on the machine) played &quot;all the hits&quot; in the first few minutes: BamzCare, IRSubjugation, AmnestingILLEGALS!!!1! and of course BEN GAHZI!!!1!.
You know InsHannity is probably loading up on dietary supplements &amp; red bull while he preps for his show.
Listen up you dickbags, having someone examine your group&#039;s right to suckle the government teat of tax exemption has nothing to do with what you say or even how you say it , IT HAS TO DO WITH HOW YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY to get someone elected who will agree with you, you leeching pond scum !! Wow, I lapsed into Yahoo territory with the caps there, didn&#039;t I ?
Butterstick, wasn&#039;t it?
Does it come out in shoots?
No effing way. I hated that show as kid and I dislike beer. On the other hand if someone spots me a gin or vodka gimlet, I&#039;ll simmer right down. Except that I&#039;m at work and would get fired. It&#039;ll have to wait. sigh.
Nah, you&#039;re doing it all wrong. Corporations are people, too, and have free speech rights, and money is speech (so sayeth <i>Citizens United</i>) therefore argle bargle taxes on speech is oppression dictatorship CommieBama.
hashtag GOPlogic
They&#039;re giving it new meaning if the old meaning wasn&#039;t &quot;lying like a rug&quot;.
You said &#039;partisan.&#039;
The new rules are aimed at organizations that cheat and lie and bend the rules. To be fair, this does have a disproportionate effect on teabagger and other Kochroach-funded groups.
the same guys who have a raging hissy fit over where other people put their dicks (and lady parts).
They haven&#039;t shut up about it all damn day...
I had a good giggle when Chris Wallace (covering Bret Baier&#039;s shift on the machine) played &quot;all the hits&quot; in the first few minutes: BamzCare, IRSubjugation, AmnestingILLEGALS!!!1! and of course BEN GAHZI!!!1!.
You know InsHannity is probably loading up on dietary supplements &amp; red bull while he preps for his show.
utter derangement
Easy fix... put this right next to it: <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
I totally remember the endless protests, media coverage and investigations spearheaded by the RW to come to their rescue.
Wait... whut? Sorry... I stepped into an alternate universe for a second. I&#039;m back now.
See told ya.... TARGETING!!!1! because duh!
Excellent summary... its a darn shame it makes far too much sense for them to understand.
Needs moar !!!!!
Someone needs to form a Goat Welfare group ASAP. That&#039;s like three Kristallnachts and a Half Hitler worth of injustice going on there.
Listen up you dickbags, having someone examine your group&#039;s right to suckle the government teat of tax exemption has nothing to do with what you say or even how you say it , IT HAS TO DO WITH HOW YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY to get someone elected who will agree with you, you leeching pond scum !! Wow, I lapsed into Yahoo territory with the caps there, didn&#039;t I ?