I meant that there's quite a few parents that put labels on their kids whether they really have the disability in question or not, and use it as an excuse to deflect away from the behavior (which tragically takes time and resources away from other children with needs). Similar to how it was implied that legal teams use schizophrenia as part of a legal defense whether it is applicable or not.

I do not know anything about his parents.

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Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I believe everyone is entitled to a fair trial....but is there any case that person won't take?

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People like that are good for the system. It helps block accusations that the government has unbridled power. Except while Kenyan Obama/Hitler is "the terrorist from within" (sign as 9/12 TP rally). Or "when injustice become law resistance becomes duty" (sign as TP "tax day" rally). Or "guns don't kill people. taxes + politiians do" (T-shirt at same rally)

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it's good that we now know what started the great chinese moon war.

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The utter insanity of conspiracy theory laden thinking.

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A bowl of diarrheal mystery chunks and a crazy straw for both of them.

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Tucson told Phoenix to go fuck itself over defunding of mental health care services decades ago. So did Flagstaff and a few other cities as well. Right now in Phoenix mentally ill homeless people are hunted for sport by the local police because they know they can get a collar for them with almost no repercussions, the DA in Maricopa County almost never grants any leniency to the mentally ill and Sheriff Joe refuses to give them needed treatment while in jail.

That whole state was ripe for something like this happening for some time.

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Because Black Serial killers who kill black people aren't picked up on the news.

Grim Sleeper 10+

Atlanta Child Killer 25+

Congo, 1000's of serial killers running around who are black.

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I'm a clinical psychologist, and I think the "schizophrenic" canard is premature. The guy is some kind of crazy, but paranoia and even psychosis come in a variety of flavors. A true-blue schizophrenic usually has a look in his eyes that is off somewhere else, and I don't see that here. I smell sociopathy, whatever else he may have going on.

I'd bet good money that his legal team will try to make him out to be schizophrenic, though.

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I'm a special ed. teacher, so let me pile on and say someone might also claim he has ADHD or Asperger's Syndrome. Not because of any evidence, but because parents are just like legal teams.

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I recommend calling a <a href="http:\/\/4.bp.blogspot.com\/_cEMtoJanH-g\/TKIovuh3H9I\/AAAAAAAAAZM\/YDUTwkJy43k\/s1600\/taxi_driver.jpg" target="_blank">taxi</a>.

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