There's just something about a spooky hotel corridor, all empty and abaondoned. <i>(Or is it????)</i>

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I'm hoping the entire "Faith & Freedom Coalition" meeing went this well.

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Anytime there's a story about the absence of the LSM, the LSM fails to cover it. How lame is that?

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Somebody really needs to photoshop in a kid on a trike, riding towards those ghosts. Where's Bugnon when we need him?

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That explains the school's very own 18-wheeler security truck with snipers on the roof. I was sort of wondering.

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Assuming the guy didn't come just to piss on Newt.

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Here's Mitt not trying to be ironic: <a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/blogs\/ticket\/romney-obama-ve-governor-president-141513519.html" target="_blank">Romney: Obama should’ve been a governor before president</a>

Was Mitt a governor? You'd never know it.

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$1 million. That may sound like a lot, but that way he only needs four people to buy them.

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He is not young enough or pretty enough to be a president's wife's husband.

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I feel sorry for the person staffing the elephant suit. He's stuck there for hours listening to Newt bloviating about his theories, diamonds for Callista, all while thinking <i>Why the fuck am I doing this?</i>

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That's no moon, that's an empty space station.

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He has the best health insurance a federal pension can buy.

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