The companion book is "My Parents Cook Meth In A Van Behind The Piggly Wiggly". Brenna spends her afternoon hiding in the bushes outside the van on the lookout for hostile cartel members and the UN.

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What is White Feather Press afraid of?

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Who needs a book? Reading my area's "Men seeking Women" section in Craigslist indicates that there is no deficit in this area of knowledge.

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Perhaps that is why I feel much safer around you than around the idiots who are "protecting" me with all their gunz.

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What went wrong here? Not blah.

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I conduct that sociology experiment sometimes too, researching the trends and traits people use in their mating ritual.

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The Invasion of The (Well-Armed) Pod People!

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And Bea Strong, fer shur.

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Again, the only thing keeping that dumbass from being a dead dumbass is an extraordinary amount of self-control on the part of the police. Now had he pointed said shotgun at anyone, all bets would have been off.

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Why would anyone need 5 copies of this propaganda pamphlet?

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Either the Dad has a pocket pool game going on or the artist has a hard time drawing hands.

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Carrying a gun around to sooth the nerves of a recently violence-savaged community is a bit like waving a penis around to comfort rape victims. In other words, the exact opposite of compassion and common sense.

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So they'll be welcoming the Bloods and Crips with open arms (pun intended) when they move into Aurora and join the open carry for Freedom.

Can't wait for the follow-up: "Bloody Dead Bodies Everywhere - A Love Story"

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That vacant stare,,,those fixed rictus grins...

Yep, I'd trust them with deadly weapons.

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