With all due respect, you need to be careful about what you post on this here mommy blog. If one of the Fox and Friends nitwits see your post, there would be wall-to-wall coverage about how dogs are corrupt at the highest levels. Full disclosure: as a cat person I've always believed that dogs are corrupt at the highest levels. The doggy memo dossier just proves it. And yeah, I know: dog libelzz... Get over it.

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Republicans have now applied their CYA comments on how lame the memo is, very quietly so their high-outrage base won't notice. But the memo is now out there to be lavishly misrepresented. This will get enough Rs out to vote in 2018, and be loud about it, to cover any chicanery that steals D votes. Anyone else think this might happen? Check out the supermarket tabloids before you answer. I know they are ridiculous, but does you rage uncle know that? And he votes, doesn't he.This is still dangerous.

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I hope she can provide him with a civics teacher, also, too.

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It's amazing what three years out of the sun will do.

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19th century as included in an Oscar Wilde short story.

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Only when his friend Xi Jinping says it's better than Marg-e-rinago chocolate cake.

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I agree Nunes gave the base a whole new delusion to disseminate. And I suppose you're right that the Repubs who spoke up did so quietly.

I haven't seen the tabloids. I have seen evil Hannity and Limbaugh carry on -- and they really do make me question the value of free speech. Maybe there ought to be laws against bald-faced lying.

I agree Nunes memo must be countered as clearly, effectively, and loudly as possible... and I'm confident Schiff's memo will be published before the midterms.

But is it urgent? Must Schiff's rebuttal be released in days? I guess you think it must and you may be right. I'm not so sure and rather enjoy giving Trump more opportunity to showcase his determination to obstruct justice. The way I see it, the sooner this episode ends, the more time he has to disseminate a new delusion. But I could be wrong.

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President Dunning-Kruger is whining that the memo is "political and long".

I guess that means that the dipshit did not even read the whole fucking thing before getting distracted by something showing on Fox News.

Spolier alert, Donnie. Shorter version of the memo.

Putin and the Russians did it and the tl;dr version shows the Nunes memo to be a complete pile of bullshit.


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"I draw only the best clocks."

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But there will have to be pictures and other illustrations. Nunez and Trump, you know.

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Valid point. In crayon so they can comprehend the illustrations without bothering to read a whole 10 pages. Our smartest ever in history President thinks it's far too long. Question: who wrote his Wharton papers? Someone out there was paid handsomely for THAT secret!

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HPSCOI. Prepositions deserve respect too.

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I worked with a dipshit who would meet anyone that didn't know him with the phrase "I have a cock that hangs below my knee" and then roll up his pantleg to reveal a tattoo of a rooster hung by the neck on his lower leg. Everybody wanted to beat his ass.

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I made the mistake of planting giant reed grass as a privacy screen about eight years ago (this is in central Ohio). After a few years it was taking me most of a week to cut down, cut into truck bed size, and haul it to the landfill where I would inevitably get a flat. This year I paid almost two thousand dollars to have that shit dug out with a backhoe. I don't know if it is the same as cane grass but that shit is evil.

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I'm leaning towards Vogon poetry. Heavily.

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The dossier was begun as oppo research for the 2016 campaign, paid for by a REBPULICAN candidate (Jeb Bush), was it not?

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