I've been wondering who that was for. It's not evident from her Wiki blurb. It seems unlikely to have been her dad, based on the same wiki description. I don't have a huge interest in this, but I do hope it was actually someone, and not just a prop.

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I have no caption (of course), but damn that OHJB has got the roguish Irish smile down something cold.

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I believe we have a winner.

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Cathy: "And in closing, free Justin Bieber."

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Well, I know *I* can't top this one.

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OHJB: Mayor Ford, you old dog. Is that a <i>new</i> gimp suit?

CSN&Y: And now I'd like to introduce you all.... to my uterus. GLI: Where do they <i>find</i> these loons?

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Chatty Cathy: "And in conclusion, vote for the white guy next time!"

Gwen Ifill: "Suddenly I know what the hell <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=wKjxFJfcrcA" target="_blank">Norm McDonald</a> was talking about."

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I did know what that was but it escaped me when I posted. I checked her wiki bio beforehand and her husband is retired navy. And an Annapolis grad to boot. So no harm intended that way.

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I'm totally planning to use it to call all my "friends".

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Doc tells you, "no felonies", and the first thing you do is push the limits.

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Biden: "Hey cutie, wanna see me give Barry bunny ears"?

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Cathy: So you see, it really does help the black race feel more secure when they're in a slave/master relationship with compassionate whites.

Gwen: This is why we can't have nice things.

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Got my vote...if I had a vote that is.

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Joe: "Hey, you took my advice and got one of those Dream Angels push-up bras....was I right or was I right?"

*Miss Lindsey blushes modestly*

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Waving hands around is man's territory.

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Cathy McMorris Rodgers: "See the flag in the case behind me? My husband is retired Navy so we have shit like that all over the place".

Joe: "So you've got a big flag lapel pin I see. You know patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, right?"

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