see now homophobes here's the problem: you don't get any gays to help you with your <i>toilette</i> and then you end up looking like this rancid tool.

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Without a trace of irony, Oklahoma residents fear the threat of Sharia law....

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Yeah, but the Fucknut Cable Channel will pay nicely for a live feed, so city revenues will be good. Lower taxes!

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I'd ask old Fred about that, but he can't talk right now.

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To tempt the chosen people, obvs.

Why they were chosen to miss out on shrimp, lobster, pork chops and cheeseburgers is the real mystery.

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Why do we never hear about the controversial (not?) Cleveland baseball team?

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Going Galt in Talibanistan is a pretty good indication that you're not right in the head.

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Well whenever I walk anywhere my left leg is <i>compelled</i> to coordinate its actions with those of my right leg (and vice versa), and that's just TYRANNY!!!

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If he ever wears anything made from Spandex, then stoning is too good for him.

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Well, this is certainly ironic. He sounds like a stubborn and rebellious son, which according to Deuteronomy 21:18-21, he should be stoned to death.

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"But I would not feel so all alone. <em>Everybody </em>must get stoned."

-- B. Dylan

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Bull Connor?

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Esk, not! - what you can do for your country.

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