They're still taking advantage of the lag time. Eventually most media consumers will internalize what they've learned, and take in new statements from Republicans with the skepticism already in place.

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Well, if you don't know...

Maybe it's a reference to a musical genre. Did he go to DJ school ?

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Ha ! Concise and full of win.

That would still be kinder than making him read the GOP platform.

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you need an updated homosexual agenda.

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WI is producing some weird ass shit this year.

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It's a Butt-Festiva Miracle!!!

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My second car: a Butt Javelin.

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"“I will not be bullied, intimidated or threatened into abandoning my moral values."

In other words, he will bravely continue to advance the GOP agenda with lies and deception.

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The hurricane was God's will. Our efforts to protect lives and property will be punished.

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Maybe that's supposed to whet our appetite for the upcoming tell-all book...

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I had a joke here about serif fonts, but once again I back away in the presence of my betters.

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"ur like a jew 4 hitler"

Yeah, right, gay terrorists always vandalize in Lolcat/text-message lingo.

UR like a bullshitter for Tucker's pot-pie newsletter/blog.

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Not a Hummer?

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People whose shortness at first conceals their persevative nature, resourcefulness and volume.

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I'm in favor of shortening it to "Grapublican".

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"Moral values" ... well, there ya' go right there. Is he also opposed to teh ghey?

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