I always heard good things about hiding buds in bags of whole coffee beans.

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Select airports will be opening lesbian bondage themed pat-down stations.

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"A little to the left, yes, YES, that's the spot."

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Think of the long stroke potential, George Rekers.

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Gator, you got the right idea, boy, but go back home and come back in your Speedo and that mesh wifebeater, you hear?

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I think the real victims here are the TSA schmendricks. The traveling public are getting their underpants in a wad about their precious bodily privacy and x-ray sensitive skin, but think about spending every stinking workday in a polyester uniform putting on nonlatex gloves over and over, and rubbing your hands around the corpulent carcasses of indignant, self-important, entitled American douchemuffins who are JUST DYING to do something to humiliate you back, like farting when you do the up-and-down crotch swish as professionally as possible without snickering or grimacing, or saying something cutting, or just staring at you like you are scum and sighing and huffing to show disdain. ALL DAY LONG, EVERY DAY. Jesus, being a garbageman must be more pleasant, even if the employee benefits aren't as good.

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Who farted?

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I've been fantasizing about finding out what else looks like human tissue on backscatter imaging, and having a penile prosthesis made of latex-silicone-polystyrene, either a two-headed model, or an extra-long one tied in a knot. It would be nice to give the screener slobs something to brighten their day.

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K Lo keeps getting in line carrying copies of the Koran. And she STILL can't get anyone to grope her.

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