Keith Crisco was in Gov. Beverly Perdue's administration, along with Attorney General John Panko and Lt Gov Cole Slaw.

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i got like 400 hundred emails about that: don't forget to vote, vote!, there's still time to vote! how did your vote go?

did you vote?

(i love joe moore)

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<i>"...former state Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco..."</i>

Product placement has found a new frontier.

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<i>"What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance..."</i>

You go to war on poverty with the poor people you have, not the poor people you want.

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Technically, we are a democratic, constitutional republic. You need all three terms to accurately describe our form of government (and the term 'representative' doesn't hurt either)- so suck it, teabaggers, that's just one moar thing you get consistently wrong

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got beat by Screama

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Orange is the new Black after all and Boner still wins amidst the dick jokes

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So Boehner will be around long enough to suffer a palace coup by the dingbat wing of his own Caucus. I think I can live with that.

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Judge Roy got reelected in 2012, but your point stands- these mouth breathers aren't going anywhere. They've been around this whole time, they just change names every few years- yesterday's Birchers are today's baggers are tomorrow's ???

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Crazy vs. Fuckingbatshitcrazy isn't much of a distinction

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