Funniest thing you'll read all day: <a href="http:\/\/communities.washingtontimes...\/neighborhood\/general-factotum\/2012\/apr\/15\/how-romney-will-win-womens-vote\/" target="_blank">How Romney will win the women's vote</a>

(Just pretend it is satire, since it's just as ridiculous.)

<i>Romney, with his experience in getting a popular (and constitutional!) health care reform plan implemented at the state level, is the perfect candidate to talk about effective reforms at the nationally.</i>

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The best part, for me, is that these plagues were prophesied by them godless, socialist, Merka-hatin' climate scientists (you know, the ones who can't possibly be right about global warming.)

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Completely OT but I must thank the Commenteriat for the pure brilliance of the Arizona gun nut thread. My wife was reading them to me as we drove about on our errands of mindless consumerism this morning and the result was several near fatalities, an asthma attack and fluid soaked underwear. Y'all motherfuckers are hilarious motherfuckers. Thank you and carry on...

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Me gusta.

(I never like to let an opportunity pass without slamming him for ignoring GRID / HIV.)

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Yeah right. I suppose now you're going to tell us that J Edgar Hoover was gay, Thomas Jeffeserson fucked slaves and W was a dummy. Pfffffft!

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Well, there you go again with your Liberal tricks.

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Takes a whole couple of ergs to lift those bonbons to one's mouth, after all.

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This is good news for the people Reagan helped get blacklisted.

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<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/chesterfields.png" target="_blank">A shout-out to days gone by.</a>

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The only Buffet rule the Tea Party cares about: Don't cut in line at Golden Corral.

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Okay...but is there quantitative proof of this, though?

Wait, there is?

<a href="http:\/\/www.npr.org\/blogs\/itsallpolitics\/2012\/04\/10\/150349438\/gops-rightward-shift-higher-polarization-fills-political-scientist-with-dread" target="_blank">Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years</a>

Alrighty, then.

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