Living to Tell the Tale - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt & Singing my Him Song - Malachy McCourt

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath &The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion

Ernie's War - the collected Stars & Stripes columns of Ernie Pyle

Note - I know that 3 & 4 don't technically count as memoirs, but they should.

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He also once said that he couldn't authorize student loan forgiveness & that only congress could. Then congress passed a BS bill & he vetoed it. He put plan A into place, SCOTUS spiked it & he immediately started up plan B.

What's the phrase? "My thinking on this issue has evolved."

I'm not worried about Biden.

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Hopefully, they're all dying of heart attacks.

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The Asians & Latinos who vote republican often do so for reasons that have nothing to do with culture wars (which they care nothing about - they have their own cultures). Many Asians & Latinos - especially new arrivals - are only concerned with making money & only connect with America through whatever business they do (or own). They erroneously believe the lie that the Republicans are the party of business. The Democrats need to spread the message that this is wrong & they have to do it in several languages. Unfortunately, party leadership has been too lazy & cheap to do that outreach.

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Harsh. But fair. I wish people understood more about how the whole thing has to work.Except maybe not such a broad brush y’all is necessary.

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We had a Pussywillow; she was a sheltie cross with the typical Lassie-type coloring, lol. My brother named her when he was about three. He saw her as a still-wet newborn and decided she looked like one.

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Awe, what a cute beastie. Cirdan the elven shipwright at the Gray Havens? And just about the only elf with grey hair. He looks like he might be staring across the sea

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"Earl Grey." Wait, that's my cat. Welcome to the Wonketteriat!

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Is AI people? I haz a confused about people that aren't people but have more rights than people. Given to them, by people.

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Trump and his three SCOTUS picks.

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Yep. My first year around then was 20 dollars a credit hour. Same school now 300/hour

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Guns have more rights than people too

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Reason #1 why I hate Ronnie Raygun with all of the power of my hate blackened heart. Fuck that fucking guy!

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We had a cat who looked awfully like that, and named her Ophelia. Unfortunately she lived up to her name, and went quite mad.

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Borrowed through the credit union at Dad's job in the 70's. It was nothing to pay off.

But then, I wasn't viewed as a private sector revenue stream either. The government made it as easy as possible with the guaranteed student loans, because they were still scared shitless of the idea that the U.S.S.R. could get a technological edge on us.

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