Fuck you. Blocked.

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Fuck you. Did I already say that?

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Document that ONLY those taking loans in what you call "bullshit" or STFU

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Sure, he's a sucker. Probably not a grifter though.

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How is Jowls McJowly not eating green baloney in Sing Sing already? All these fuckers belong behind Barrs.

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He can't be convicted of anything if he doesn't get arrested first

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Ah, so if even ONE person getting debt forgiveness has a legitimate degree and career, it makes my entire argument moot? I have even less sympathy for anyone who complains about their student loan debt while having the means to pay it off. Why should I sympathize? Student loans should be an investment in your future, and yeah like any debt you have to plan and budget around it. I respect those that are able and willing to do so.

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What are you even on about with smallpox and the Lord's prayer, Gregg? I doubt many people made the decision to contract a deadly disease. And I'm quite sure Christ wasn't talking about personal finances, he was talking about sin, turn the other cheek and all that. In my church, we used the word "trespasses".

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Yep, I thought so and expected it. Congratulations to YOUR KIDS for not having to make tough decisions. One of the best days of my life was earning my way out of debt. It taught me financial and personal responsibility. What did folks learn here? "Aww you shouldn't have to struggle so, let good ol' rich Uncle Sam take care of that student loan debt for ya." Nonsense.

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From NYT Ed Board "No one should revel in the prospect of this or any former president facing criminal prosecution." Yet, still I persist...


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So, am I to conclude that your church's official position is "Phuck the poor, tell them to get a job and not major in Liberal Arts" ? Must be Prosperity Gospel. We all know Jesus was Republican blond who spoke English, too. Right?


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Considering your asshole statement, yes it would prove you are a troll

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All of my friends are on it and are very determined to vote.I've yet to see any proof that women are less reliable than men.

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Oh were you unable to sleep fora week afterwards?Never got more than an hour or 2 at a time for months?I'm still enraged even today but sleeping 6 to 8 hours a night now.

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He was on the Board and his name persuaded other suckers to invest. Plus he tried to get the military to order the non-existent product. Sounds like grifting to me!

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By then Hank was no prize; he weighed somewhat north of 300 pounds and had open, runny sores on both legs. Anne of Cleves was probably relieved to be dumped, especially since she made out like a bandit afterwards.

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