I didn't make it past the first one. I read the whole thing, decided that I really didn't give a foetid dingo's kidney about any of the characters, and never bothered with #2. I've never even seen the film.

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Spricht Herr Folke Deutsch? Or maybe Hitler spent his time in the afterlife learning English?

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Heinlein was a mixed bag. He could write great stuff like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and authoritarian nonsense like, well, pretty much everything else.* But then again, I lost interest in most science fiction long ago because it so often amounts to banal libertarian fantasies where women swoon for strong science fiction author types.

*Okay, for the banal anal, If This Goes On (Revolt in 2100) is a tale of the U.S. overthrowing a religious dictatorship, and Stranger in a Strange Land is a counterculture fantasy (also a piece of crap). But most everything else, like Farnham's Freehold and Starship Troopers, is authoritarian.

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What do you mean? It's just a simple tale of the evil, swarthy, devil-worshipping Calomerene persecuting a secret, fair-skinned prince!

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