President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been told to turn himself in to the FBI on Monday, US media reported
But when I said I don't think he'll be impeached, I meant I think he will probably resign to avoid it, in the end -- only I expect the process will be drawn-out, messy, and divisive, and he won't see the writing on the wall until even he can't ignore it any longer.Which is terrible. More divisiveness is the last thing the U.S. needs.
I'm not even going to mention that other bloke they are supposed to have murdered, because one of his family might just see the comment and it might cause them even more pain, but of course that was her doing too. Her master Satan probably even transported her back in time so that she could bribe Booth to assassinate Lincoln. Unless she actually IS Satan.I have read pulp science fiction and fantasy with plots that hang together more consistently, more sensibly, than their theories.In fact quite a bit of it.
Yes!Lock them up!Lock them up!
President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been told to turn himself in to the FBI on Monday, US media reported
But when I said I don't think he'll be impeached, I meant I think he will probably resign to avoid it, in the end -- only I expect the process will be drawn-out, messy, and divisive, and he won't see the writing on the wall until even he can't ignore it any longer.Which is terrible. More divisiveness is the last thing the U.S. needs.
I am actually looking forward to the pardon signing ceremony in the Rose Garden later this week.
With Paul Ryan explaining how he is “troubled” by all this witch hunt, and why he is focused on tax reform.
I know. I just wish they would STFU.
That's why he'll grass. Too little to be protected.
Well, actually, he can't, but the people using him know how. They just tell him it's his clever brain at work.
They fucking won. So at this point, hindsight is pretty much useless and they better be looking at the future (beyond the end-of-season cliffhanger.)
From Trump's tweet,
When "the" Donald says "It is now commonly agreed..." what he means is that of the very few functioning neurons he has, only 50.0001% agree.
That lsst item will always be an impediment for the Greedy Obstructionist Tea Patriarchs voters.
It's the kind of logic that the cult of dsylexic doG can handle though.
And if they are busted on New York State charges and go up to Dannemora, the State Prison is CLINTON PEN!
If busted for money laundering in New York State, he'll go upstate to Dannemora @ Clinton Penn. no joke
I just thought Doc used plutonium because it's what the Libyans had.
I'm not even going to mention that other bloke they are supposed to have murdered, because one of his family might just see the comment and it might cause them even more pain, but of course that was her doing too. Her master Satan probably even transported her back in time so that she could bribe Booth to assassinate Lincoln. Unless she actually IS Satan.I have read pulp science fiction and fantasy with plots that hang together more consistently, more sensibly, than their theories.In fact quite a bit of it.