aaaaand I lose all respect for Republican ladies for no one calling bullshit on her, because there had to be someone in that room who knew it was bullshit.

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They all knew it was bullshit. Every single lady in that room used PP at some point, or had a roommate/sister/daughter who did, and they sat there with their vacant eyes and vapid smiles because fuck you I got mine, let me at the drinkies so I can pretend my husband isn't cheating on me with 3 different men, because if I divorce him, I won't even get child support now that the kids are in collage.Its the dead eyes, and it always tells the same tale.

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dude she was like 13. Doubt she was a tart, even in those days

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Dude, it's either she was sleeping around on her man, or god knocked her up.

I know which is more plausible. And saying she was 13 during the iron-age, back when people were married at 10 and dead by 30, just means she was a young womin,

And lastly, it's snark I mean for all I know she might have only been sleeping around with one other guy besides her husband.

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Trans womyn watch anime, paint, and write surrealist novels. They don't run multinational corporations into the ground - unless of course, she's a closet tranarchist, in which case she's got my vote, even though I generally don't vote.

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^ a thousand times this.

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Preach it. Damn so-called 'liberals' who think "LOL TRANNIE" is the lulziest thing to throw at people they don't like (ref. A. Coulter)

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True that. Tranns exist, and we're usually lurking all over the Internet, so it's probably not the best idea to use it as an epithet.

Besides, none of them have any room to judge. Everyone thinks I'm hot and that makes everyone gay. LOL

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You've discovered that one weird trick!

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OT but relevant: it was 99 years ago today that Margaret Sanger opened her first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately, it was illegal to talk to people about birth control in those days, and Sanger was arrested and jailed multiple times. It wasn't until ***1965*** that birth control became legal for all women in the U.S.

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Or more likely, she was a nice Jewish girl who got married, had sex with her husband who was a local handyman with a modest little business, over the years they had a bunch of kids but the oldest one was too smart for his own good, preferred to hang with his male friends from schul and got carried away with the stuff he picked up in his bar mitzvah class. Occam's razor.

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"Watch the Video."I don't want to and you can't make me!

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This is all the fault of the HP board for giving her money to go away, so much moey she can self fund these office runs. #fuckyouhp

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Carly Fiorina is just a much more articulate version of Sarah Palin. Fiorina lies with a profound confidence that can only gained by experience.

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A profound lack of empathy - for starters.

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I understand your reluctance, dshwa. I did watch it, and the ease with which Fiorina lies is gag-inducing! At some point, I hope the protesters at her rallies can infiltrate the audience, and someone has the balls to stand up and say, "That is an outright lie, and you know it!" Of course, that person will be quickly escorted from the room, but hopefully not before they're able to recite one or two of the facts that Kalli mentions in the article.

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