Maybe it never really happened, and was staged, like the moon landing and 9/11, to distract us from Benghazi.

What. Utter. Crap.

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Dear Rep. King

"Eggshell Skull" Rule, twit.

No love, Me

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Yup, that's why we libruls pushed through the Patriot Act and all that gubmint surveillance after 9/11 while the conservatives were protesting the war and being called traitors for opposing all the Executive Branch power grabs

SMH- these fuckers can't even lie very well

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What's funny is that the conservative shit spewers were all caught flat footed by the reaction to the Garner situation. Rank and file conservatives are pissed about it, too. So now all the talking heads have to scramble to get out in front of the parade while they cobble together talking points that still fit party orthodoxy. They never expected their base to care so much about this.

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"police hear that kind of thing all the time"


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"Everyone I've choked <i>always</i> says they can't breathe! I have learned to just ignore it, and keep on choking. "

--Cops, apparently

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I'm so confused. I will wait for Mark Fuhrmann's take on this when Fox gets around to inviting his expert opinion.

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Peter King looks lumpy. He should sleep in his suits so his face looks less wadded, up in contrast to his fucked up head.

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We have went from" Don't tase me bro" to" Please fucking tase me bro",it beats the hell out of the alternative

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Number of minorities jailed for possession of marijuana in NYC: LARGE Number of Columbia and NYU students jailed for the same: more or less ZERO

But remember ... <a href="http:\/\/marijuana-arrests.com\/images\/nyc-mj-use-arrests2011.jpg" target="_blank"> it's not about race. </a>

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The base will be easily led back into the fold. They're already swallowing the "Garner resisted arrest" fabrication spewing out of Faux News' anus.

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Wait ... it's <i>contagious?</i>

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Conservatives seem to think you should not resist dying at the hands of the police. Really -- they've got a tough job to do, and you shouldn't make it harder.

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Rauner seems to be discovering that he can't both cut taxes and fund the Illinois government workers' pension plan. I don't think Coulter would be sending up a trial balloon, but I can't be sure.

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and then they trot out the incarceration numbers to justify their BS

and the wheels go round and round

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I'm cautiously hoping the video may keep that from happening this time. I see a lot of the usual pro law and order conservatives on my Facederp feed who are seriously pissed

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