Throw Feinstein in the batch of horribles. She been silent allowing Machin and Sinema to take all the heat.

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I suppose that's actually a rather deceptively complex question, depending on who's doing the investigating (FBI? DOJ? other law enforcement agencies?) and who's being investigated (which we know goes straight to the top, but how wide a net is/are the investigation(s) casting?).

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This exactly--start with the premise that the media is easily distracted, and follows what will attract eyeballs. So play into that! Take action that is more likely to elicit loud protest from the other side (amplifying the message) and gain headlines. Don't sit back and complain that the media is doing what we already know they will do.

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If we can't even reform the filibuster, I think we can rule out adding states.

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Are you still trying to push the boulder of reality up Mt. Doomer?

Give it up, Jake. It's Chinatown.

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Redefine "unity" as "unifying the pro-democracy elements of this country". That of course means unifying everyone who is not a Republican.

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Seeing that passing anything that helps Democrats seems virtually impossible, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

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I very much hope you're right, mon ami, because the alternative is not pleasant to contemplate.I will be keeping an eye on it. And paying close attention to how it affects things Up Here, because the fucking Conservatives haven't gone fascist - YET.

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Heh. But I still have it in me to try. if nothing else, at least I can add facts to the record.


Er, spoilers.

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From the little bit of information that has been given, it looks to me like they (FBI, Congress, and hopefully DOJ) are netting in the main players (generals, as it were), and their military (militia, Proud Boys, etc.), their inside men (in Congress, Capital Police, Pentagon, WH), and if they get around to Trump, they will already be looking at foreign influence as well.

If I can get a picture of the breadth of this, and these other more qualified folks can, and it appears that the Congressional committee has some perspective as well, based on even just the subpoenas so far, then certainly the FBI has had no problem seeing it for what it is. The real trouble comes from having to build the case with legally cohesive evidence, but there’s no shortage of evidence. Trump operates like a mob boss in that he tries to protect himself using plausible deniability at all times. That’s not foolproof. It comes down to how motivated our government is to nail him for it, versus protecting the Office of the President and presidential powers.

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That's my ringtone. Also, I was in a semi successful bar band a few years ago and that was our entire purpose...get butts out of chairs and dancing. We were pretty good at it and it was very satisfying.

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I will never not see her as a traffic cone from this moment on in perpetuity 😁

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Over here in Brexitland, we are having the entertaining nauseating spectacle of right-wing MPs throwing up their hands in horror at the idea that people might need "vaccine passports" in order to gain access to certain types of venues, whilst simultaneously voting in favour of requiring photo ID to be presented in order to be able to vote.

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I'd rather add 4 justices to SCOTUS.

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My job on this planet is done

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people are assholes

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