Re-tire, as in run over, back up, and run over again?

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Well that's bad news for me. On the other hand, I can go ahead and spend my entire IRA on a case of hobo beans without fear running out of money before I die..

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I want to die in the middle of selling an insurance policy. That would be AWESOME! I would laugh all the way to whatever circle of hell they've booked for me.

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Sigh. I know part of the overall increase in life expectancy is due to decline in infant mortality. But there has been an increase in longevity for people who reach age 65. In 1930, men who reached age 65 lived 12.7 years, in 1990 that had increased to 15.3. For women, it went from 14.7 to 19.6. <a href="http://www.ssa.gov/history/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.ssa.gov/history/lifeexpect.html">http://www.ssa.gov/history/...

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I dunno...it worked out ok for Marie Antoinette. Oh wait.

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And who says America doesn't have royalty?

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I was a little amazed to see how easy it is to buy off a politician. A few thousand bucks and you have a mouthpiece for life? I might sign up to teach a second summer school class after all.

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I have to admit to feeling that once a person is worth anything close to the wealth of the Kock brothers, maybe you could give making wealth a rest and try helping out the rest of the population. That think tank $$ would have bought a lot of baby food.

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People <i>do</i> live longer now. (Some live a little too long, if you know what a mean.) So raising the retirement age is no more or less fair than how the original age 65 benchmark was set back the olde days. BUT -- as Sen. Sanders points out -- raising SSA benefit age delays retirement which retards* new workers from getting in the workforce.

All else being equal, I don't mind working a little longer in exchange for living longer. The youngsters might not be happy to hear that. (But listen kids, my job will be done in India when I retire anyway.) ________________________ * slows down

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Bernie Sanders is an excellent statesman and he should be teaching all junior legislators a 3 hour course on statesmanship and their role and function (you know, "we the people" and such).

Regarding the Koch brothers, they are the commanders of the War Against the Middle Class. I couldn't give a rats ass about them or wanting to change retirement age. This is just another example of the Kochs convincing the TeaTards to believe that Social Security is underfunded and the Koch(rings) taking advantage of it for the purpose of improving their wealth.

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i would be happy to work to 70 if i could find a bloody job.

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from your mouth to god's ear.

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today we are all serfs in daub and wattle homes.

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