MTG simply says the quiet parts out loud.Others aren't any better then she is.

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This. Cafeteria Christianity for the suburban idiot set.

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Republican Jewish Committee

I had to look up if there were official Jewish members of the Nazi party, and while I didn't find much with a quick Bing, I came across this, and from the sound of things it seems little has changed.


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There’s footage of President Joe Biden honoring fallen soldiers at Dover Air Force Base, which Strahan grossly calls a “harsh reminder that this is not the time for unserious politicians who just want to hear themselves talk.”

Remind me, how early did TFG stop going to Dover because he didn't like how it looked for him?

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Now with more Evangelical Crazy Spices!!!

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ClutheCredit Jack Vance

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<voice type="Toby Zeigler">You're not plain-spoken. You're not "just folks". Do not, do not, do not act like it.</voice>

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Why is it important to annouce you're a xhristain? I don't care who or what you worship!

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I'm voting for the turtle.

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Because the Conservative Right has made it the top qualification for getting elected. Trump couldn't come up with the proper name for communion wafers and needed Sarah Palin to pick out his favorite Bible verse for him. Just because he said he was a Christian made him more appealing than Democrat candidates who didn't advertise their religious affiliation, even if they attended regular services (like, to take a random example, Joe Biden).

My roommate, who grew up in the Bible Belt, explained it thusly: if you're raised in Fundamentalist/Evangelical traditions, you vote for Trump even if you agree with Democrats that he's a loathsome sack of shit who rightly should be damned to Hell, because he's the "Christian" candidate, and not voting for him means you've failed as a Christian, and you yourself will thus be damned.

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But they have a tortoise . . .

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She's also outrageous and effectively trolls the Libz, which is what they really care about. Who gives a hot damn about feasible economic policy when you can make AOC cry?

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I've lived in Yahootah long enough to know that if it's a Repuglican, you don't vote for it. I wish my neighbors could figure it out.

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You haven't watched "Riverdale", have you?

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There was an old saying about us: Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.

It is not a version that would pass PC muster now, but the reality remains that we have reached levels of achievement that generally turn people into right-wingers to protect their own stuff, while most of us continue to vote with the side that is still struggling for their share of the American Dream.

I have always been proud of that.

The Republican Jewish Committee is must assuredly Republican but - precisely by virtue of that - is equally assuredly not actually Jewish...

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Ta, Stephen. Ugh.

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