Here's Ron DeSantis Whining About 'Abortion Tourism,' In Case You Forgot How Much You Hate Him
Keep talking, lunatics. It sends Americans straight to the polls.
Anybody looking to be disabused of the notion that Ron DeSantis is a weird unlikable creeper who shouldn’t be allowed around people won’t be getting it in this post.
He was at some right-wing fascist confab this weekend — the Faith & Freedom Coalition — and he was talking about P.E. major Tommy Tuberville’s idiot crusade against the military and against American national security, because that dumb fuck is having a temper tantrum about Pentagon abortion policy. Mediocre loser Christian fascist white dudes just cannot deal with the fact that the Department of Defense responded to the illegitimate partisan hack Dobbs ruling by protecting servicemembers’ and their families’ abilities to get abortions they need, by reimbursing them for travel if they’re stationed in Christian supremacist states.
Of course, every time Republicans open their insolent mouths on the subject, more young people go and register to vote against them, so keep telling us what you’re really like, guys.
Here is DeSantis whining about the Pentagon funding “abortion tourism,” and expressing support for the stupid escaped coach who’s currently flinging America’s national security into his own endzone:
They are breaking and violating the law by funding abortion tourism with tax dollars.
Eat shit. The Hyde Amendment — an incredibly stupid and bad law that should be discarded at the first opportunity — bans federal dollars paying for the abortion procedure itself. Yes, we know that whiny-ass anti-abortion Republicans bellyache about how this violates the “spirit” of Hyde, to which we reply that the Hyde amendment’s “spirit” deserves to be punched in the dick.
When agencies do that, the Congress has to stand up and push back against it. […] We have a limited amount of money in a defense budget. We’re running low on ammunition. Our recruiting is in the absolute gutter now, and you’re funding abortion tourism? Is that really something helping to protect this country?
See, this is the part we want voters to hear loud and clear. Because if you are normal and not an absolute lunatic, it makes zero sense that denying troops and their families access to healthcare would help recruitment. You have to have your head so far up your ass to understand why all normal people would recoil at this. So please keep talking, Ron DeSantis!
And keep telling yourself Florida re-elected you by such a huge margin because of your talent, and not just because Florida attracts hordes of gross white supremacist Boomers who move there to die, because they’re gonna die soon, because they’re old.
So we need to fight back against it and I can tell you when I am president, on day one, that policy goes into the trashcan where it belongs.
LMAO @ “when I am president, on day one.”
Also it’s been pointed out that this is pretty appalling, considering that DeSantis actually is a Navy vet. Tubs Tuberville never served and doesn’t know the first thing about the military or national security or readiness. DeSantis theoretically should.
Guess he didn’t retain much of that information.
DeSantis is, of course, the absolute worst of America when it comes to abortion. He signed a vile six-week abortion ban (which effectively bans all abortions, as many don’t even know they’re pregnant at that point). But shhhhhh, he did it very quietly so you couldn’t see him!
He absolutely loves telling Republican lies about “abortion up to the moment of birth” and “post-birth abortions.” You’d think if these people had any moral argument for their beliefs, they wouldn’t have to cold make up shit. (One can say this about the way the religious right open-mouthed lies about every one of its issues.)
Remember his bullshit story from the Republican primary debate about Penny The Failed Abortion Who Lives In A Pan On The Counter?
He’s a fucking piece of shit, is our point, and he’s going to lose the Republican primary. Also, now everybody knows what a bad and icky politician and human he is, so since Florida governors can’t serve three terms in a row, his political career will probably be over before you can say “Scott Walker.”
The end.
[video via Acyn]
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I feel DeSantis is dangerous. He’s trying to take an easy road into the White House riding trump’s coat tails . It is astounding he can spew that vile poison and hate with a straight face, while his own state is literally the 5th level of hell. Luckily, he has the personality of wet cardboard, so I’m hoping that keeps him out.
Speaking of Scott Walker--and I will--the offspring is a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin/Madison. She loved her time there and the education that she received. Until...
Scott Walker was elected Governor and proceeded to wreck the entire UW system. Bless my child's heart, she sat in and demonstrated at the Capitol in Madison (following in her Ma's footsteps).
Our Scotty is a college dropout--cashiered from Marquette for gambling or some such. Probably why he doesn't value a college education.
Anyway, Wisconsin makes it into the Rose Bowl when Scotty is still governor and he decides to come to LA to take part in the celebration, shows up on the Santa Monica Pier for a pre-game party. He was booed, loud and long, by everyone in attendance. I don't think he stayed for the game the next day. Wisconsin played the next two Rose Bowls (lost all 3 games--sighs). No sign of Scotty.