of course it did- everybody loves to see their boss/co-worker/themselves on screen no matter how cheesy

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it's why everybody in my biz drinks heavily...

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what does God need with an audit?

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the whole private vs. public debate is a lie. They compare apples and oranges. Of course a mom and pop biz is efficient- there's only 2 people making all the decisions. I've watched corporations piss away money like water, freeze up in complete paralysis and commit every blunder they ridicule government for. The real debate is size vs efficiency- any entity, public or private, becomes sloppy, unwieldy and and inefficient the larger it gets. it just happens that the US government is huge.

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I wish I could upfist this again and again.

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I see where you're going with that...

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Well, the wacky gang at IRS has already seen them on NSA's Facebook page.

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I was in the wings that night in Flagstaff. I had a camera. It would be in your interest for us to talk privately.

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Things like this didn't happen before Obamacare. The 'pubes better vote to repeal it a few more times.

<i>(Side note: I'm counting on being able to buy affordable health insurance next year. But the Republicans keep threatening to prevent that one way or another. My death from any of my pre-existing or non-existing conditions will be on them. Perhaps I should stand my ground or something.)</i>

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One-person death panel.

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trouble is, Vulcan porn kinda sucks- thanks to pon farr you only get an actual sex scene once every seven years

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see my comments from yesterday- I've seen worse this week...

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set phasers to stunted...

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