Can I substitute Guinness for the apple cider vinegar?

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You alluded to this already, but as my Irish relatives would tell ya, Corned Beef is a strictly American invention. Those from the homeland escaping potato famine and landing in NYC couldn't find the ham that they typically favored in Ireland, so they improvised with cuts found at the delis of their Jewish neighbors. Personally, I think it's a lovely invention, but some of my more snobby kin refuse to eat corned beef and boiled dinner (and Heaven forbid--do NOT call it Irish Boiled Dinner or there be yer head). Their loss. I'll have to try it with the mustard sauce. Sounds yummy!

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This would go delightfully with Larry Craig's hot dog stuffed potato.

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Leave them whole; choose medium-smallish ones. They'll disintegrate if they're cut up.

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Don't substitute, supplement.

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Just made this. It's very good! How long does this sauce last? Can it be refrigerated or frozen?

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