I know, right? And if the photographs we've seen are of the true journalism, factoid variety, she's only cried ONCE since she was born. Too bad I'm an old, she almost makes me want to have one.
When I first heard that name, I thought it was some sort of prank.On a positive note, every time it hear "red-black"I think of a pack of mixed red vines and licorice. :p
Or maybe it’s just time for you to visit the john and drop your second official deuce of the Advent season, and you need something to pass the time. WHATEVER! Hope everything comes out all right.Thank you for asking!
Re-immature, eh? I prefer the scientific term, "go ga-ga."
I know, right? And if the photographs we've seen are of the true journalism, factoid variety, she's only cried ONCE since she was born. Too bad I'm an old, she almost makes me want to have one.
I CAN'T EVEN READ ANYTHING BECAUSE I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT - omg babby pics melting into puddle of happy goo now.
Got my truck running, so that's good, totally unrelated but good.
An extra ten yards?! Honey, does this metric system make my end zone look fat?
Nobody's fault but mine.
Spiritual values FTW!
When I first heard that name, I thought it was some sort of prank.On a positive note, every time it hear "red-black"I think of a pack of mixed red vines and licorice. :p
Donna Rose: Welcome to the Jingle
Love the washboard.
What do you do if you are "drunk liberal uncle" in a right-wing family?
What languages does she write? Just askin'.
And guillotines...
It takes a village?
Or maybe it’s just time for you to visit the john and drop your second official deuce of the Advent season, and you need something to pass the time. WHATEVER! Hope everything comes out all right.Thank you for asking!
Redgreen was already taken.