No one was asking the nice lady to get gay married or were they? I still don't get her problem.

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PUBLIC SERVANTS ARE PAID TO SERVE THE PUBLIC! So naturally when the shoe's on the other foot (i.e. a cute sandal on a sexy beefy foot) IT'S FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD a lifeguard in North Carolina cannot have a pukey, icky GAY FLAG on his stand. Besides, the poor public thinks this means he will only rescue drowning gays!


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Of course your county is being spared natural disasters and mighty, historically-unparalleled plagues as our marriages proceed apace. But if they stop tomorrow (and I'm sure they won't, bless y'all's hearts), you know that per Article IX, paragraph 5 of the Gay Agenda, we will unleash the most appropriate, most powerful and most aesthetically awesome natural disasters y'all have ever seen.

I know you've seen some of our portfolio on the Weather Channel in the last few years, and we've been whipping up some special new surprises for this years' bigots.

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May she get centipedes in her vagina.

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And may they forget to wipe their feet first.

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Oh! An adulteress? (Matt. 19:9)

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she doesn't have one

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The woman is an idiot but so is the writer of this article. Sounds like he's in middle school.

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Paid for with taxpayers' money. Including the couple who just wanted the services they pay for.

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Having been married four times herself, perhaps she is just trying to save them from the agony she's personally endured - or inflicted on her husbands.

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She isn't even performing the wedding, she's issuing the license! Her job exists to collect 25 dollars (or whatever the fee is) from people and someone ELSE performs the wedding!

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Doesn't this lady realize that 30 years from now she'll show up in a documentary about how awful and bigoted people were 30 years ago?

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"It’s hard, I will tell you that,” Davis said. “What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us. And I, as a Christian, have strong views, too. And I know I don’t stand alone."

a) But but but, the Supreme Court in the Constitution ferchrissake! and2) A lot of people have strong feelings too. Klansmen had strong feelings. That does not mean they get to infringe on the rights of others!

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Her problem: She and too many other people a) vote Republican; b) don't vote Democrat; c) listen to ignorant preacher types and/or right wing nutjobs on the radio; d) Faux Noos.

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I think the FF only didn't want anyone's deeply held religious beliefs to run roughshod* over anyone else's beliefs. *would it be ok if the beliefs wore ballet slippers?

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Like documentaries about the Little Rock 6? Yeah, I thought the same thing.

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