I have no TV AND no cable. and no Iphone. Yay! I count as Actually Poor-wait...

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ken? is that you?

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Seriously, playing the expletives card? Are we a confused little dainty dandy who has lost our parasol? Are we feeling an onset of the case of the vapours?

Just where the hell did you think you were posting?


*kicks troll down giant hole labeled ASSFUCKING*

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Bob says "Why not have a couple more kids? Get some more perks."

Bob, what are you suggesting? That they get <b>abortions?</b>

LOL. Poor troll. Did you forget whether we've always been fighting Eastasia?

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"they have more stuff than I do, and I get no govt assistance "

Quit whining about it, and go on the dole, then, since it obviously is the major gravy train. Nobody's stopping you.

Seriously. Give it a shot. Cut your income so you qualify for assistance, and test out your theory. LIVE THE HIGH LIFE, BOBBAH!

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They sell all of these items at Goodwill centers too, Dr. Bob, for <i>really goddamn cheap.</i>

You want "stuff," go buy it used. Problem solved, and your cakehole can finally be closed! WE ALL WIN.

Look, the Heritage Foundation doesn't care whether this "stuff" was made in 2005 (like their study's data) or if your stuff is so worn out that it may be practically useless... to them, ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU HAVE ONE!

Instead of letting some professional Think Tank-employed professional pundit assholes convince you that the "real problem" is people without money, seriously, go solve your own problems. "Stuff" is cheap, and you know it.

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Welcome to the Heritage Foundation! Here at the Foundation, we've been working our analysts and pundits day and night, trying to come up with a way to divert your average low-information voter's attention away from exploitative corporations, and middle-class crushing political policies, and turn these things into petty jealousy and real anger at poor people! With your help, we can turn this into real, useful violence!

Our thinkers have worked out a simple formula for counting "Stuff" that almost automatically enrages the very people we wish to exploit.

It works because all across the commercial entertainment spectrum, from television, to movies, to radio, the concept that "HAVING STUFF" is presented as being equal to "HAVING HAPPINESS." This is always first and foremost, it is ensconced in "The American Dream." Anyone exposed to modern entertainment knows without a doubt that <i>items</i> are desirable. And possessing items conveys status!

So our geniuses devised a report showing that "the poor" also possess certain items that could also be considered status symbols, like "DVD Players" or "Two color televisions," (we leave out how these items, in the context of poor people owning them, are actually fucked up old pieces of shit that anyone but poor schlubs would actually be embarrassed to own) we can readily exploit the average schmoe's nearly automatic jealousy centers! "Poor People Are Competing With You, and WINNING." It is really quite elegant.

So let's get out there and exploit that unfocused anger, people! Class wars ain't gonna fight themselves! The Kochs need their tax cuts!

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Oh, how I wish I'd seen the driver. Must've needed to save with those rollback prices on anus burgers to make the car payment.

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Must find a safe way...so Wonkers can support our dear snarky Brit, but you don't get saddled with a bunch of nasty trolls following you in the ether or the real world.

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Ahhh, for the days when hunger was "anecdotal" and ketchup was a vegetable.

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Winner, winner (tastes like) chicken dinner?

Fuck, I might have to find jeebus to get forgiven for typing that atrocity.

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Pfft...like we're going to have time to to draw in the dirt what with scavenging the local landfills.

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I lol'd.

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Just took a look around my humble abode. I don't own the fridge, oven or stove. My landlord provides it. Is that common?

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And using public transportiation is soshulist and morally reprehensible.

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I once saw a yellow Lamborghini in a Walmart parking lot in Irving, TX...I was befuddled.

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