<blockquote>It will happen. You just wait. </blockquote>


"Zebediah Determined To Buggy Inside The U.S." is just a historical document, right?

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Z: You got me. I've never seen a photo of a fat Afghan.

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Dude is gettin' cray-cray y'all.

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...in Thy mercy."

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Kinda reminds me of when the "people in the community" put up those "whites only" signs. And could afford a whole separate school system to keep the races apart. Because of the Bible, they said.

The way I understand it, the Constitution with its "equal protection" clauses overruled the people in the community. Thus America became Hell.

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" Tennessee is practically Afghanistan, is how bad things have gotten.."

Let's see here.

Is Tennessee mountainous and landlocked? Check.

Poor schools and general lack of education for all? Check.

Poor economy that needs a serious boost? Check.

History of violence, armed citizens, etc.? Check.

Reactionary religious folks running around telling everybody else what to do? Check.

Very serious drug problem with disasterous effects on society? Check.

I've just got to go along with you on this one.

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The separation-of-church-and-state canard© does not apply where the Sanctity of Marriage or Levitical abominations are concerned. All those heathens with their cotton-linen blend fabrics will rue the day they violated Jah's holy Rule of Law.

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a high bar indeed

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God will solve all the problems I've created. - Governor Good Hair (Rick Perry)

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Let’s be fair Herman. Ban all the churches. Let’s start with whatever place of worship that molded your twisted view of the world. And while we're banning crap, let's burn all the cheesy Jeebus CDs out there.

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Agreed. What the hell is in that so called sausage?

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That Decalogue came from ISRAEL! FOREIGN LAWS!

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So they can "prove" they're not racist while mowing down the brown peoples.

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Maybe they can get approval if they promise to sell guns.

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I, for one, am grateful that religion has never influenced any laws here in US America.

Now, how many days off will the Senate get for Christmas this year?

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