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Don't forget my all-time favorite counter-factual wingnut meme, hilariously being blathered in the comments section of that blog: "low-information voters" are responsible for Obama's victories.

Then again, we're hearing from <i>people who actually read the "Best of Cain" blog.</i>

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I am adding Alaska to the list of states to be forcibly seceded as soon as possible. So far, here's the list:

Alaska Texas

If we get rid of TX, the rest of the south will not have the clout to keep up its present insanity. Hence, I am happy to hang onto most of the red states.

But there's really no excuse for tolerating Alaska anymore.

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If I could substitute abortion for Sarah Palin...


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That is worth more than one upfist, but I am constrained by the system.

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<i>“You can’t attack Hillary for never having achieved anything if you nominate someone about whom you can say much the same.” </i>

Immunity to cognitive dissonance is the hallmark of the wingnut voter - why would the GOP start worrying about it now?

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Maybe, instead of those mind-numbing "debates", the GOP could stage some really interesting competitions. Jindal vs. Xtine vs. Perry (backed by a football stadium full of bible-humping preachers), in a cage match, winner-take-all exorcism-off. Santorum could show up as a suprise guest star, with the Vatican's arch-exorcist in full regalia.

With color commentary by yours truly, of course...

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You can't get much less librul or elite than that! The Palin spawn are automatically qualified to be preferred teabagger candidates.

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You'd think that #1 would take care of all the rest.

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Or, you know, don't.

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Which now also literally means "implausible affirmation".

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Florida is full of horrible horrible people, but it nearly always ends up voting Dem when it counts most. Plus, I'm damned if I want to secede the Everglades.

But Alaska, now, gets $1.84 for every tax dollar it pays (New York, gets $0.79). It has a population roughly the size of Detroit, all of whom get an "oil dividend" -- paid for by the people of Detroit (and the rest of us). It has glorious wildlife, which it enjoys running to death in helicopters, and pristine lands which it is busy fouling as fast as it can. It deserves the whole Palin clan, but I really don't know what the rest of us did to merit that particular herpes outbreak on our body politic.

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Talk about burying the lead: Herman Cain has a website?! And someone read it!?!?

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Gotta go Godwin on the "SS" reference. My guess is the <i>Schutzstaffel</i> will call her "lifeguard" for rescuing them.

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