I doubt it, because what you said actually makes sense.

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'all's well that ends well' is a terrible play.

yeah that's all i got.

but it IS a terrible play and (obv) has a bed trick.

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<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/HITLER-BITCHESFINALSOL-1.jpg" target="_blank">Nazis need to consider repackaging their message to appeal to the current generation.</a>

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Babe libel!!

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I remember when Trent Lott was forced to resign and it wasn't as bad as the vile pouring out of this goat fuck's gullet.

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<blockquote>We figure that Hubbard has the following choices: 1) Claim that calling his book racist is more racist than actual racism. 2) Argue that we are all entitled to our opinions, and anyone who thinks that he isn’t entitled to his hates free speech and America. 3) Run to Mike Huckabee or Rush Limbaugh for cover and wait there until the GOP gets past the “we’re shocked, SHOCKED” phase and rallies around him. 4) Issue a non-apology apology about how he used the wrong words. Any guesses? We will keep you updated.</blockquote>

My guess? All of the above and in that order. Although, #4 could appear at any time. Bit more difficult to get away with in a book though, which one would normally assume has gone through some kind of editorial process (in this particular case, I'd listen to arguments that it hadn't, I mean, who the fuck would actually examine that with a critical eye and think 'yeah, that's OK to print'?)

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I think even L Ron Hubbard would think this guy was way out of the mainstream, let alone Edwin Hubble.

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I was there.

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The picture looks like every over-30 man that went to the church I was forced to go to as a child. Parents eventually gave up.

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or a squash

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<a href="http:\/\/now.msn.com\/new-adidas-sneakers-kick-up-slave-chain-controversy" target="_blank">Oh hello</a>

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Yeah, but the New World gave back syphilis, so maybe a draw?

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<i>In America, you get food to eat Won't have to run through the jungle and scuff up your feet You just sing about Jesus, drink wine all day It's great to be an American

Ain't no lions or tigers, ain't no mamba snake Just the sweet watermelon and the buckwheat cake Everybody is as happy as a man can be Climb aboard little wog, sail away with me </i> Sail Away by Randy Newman

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The South didn't rise again; it just sort of collapsed in on itself.

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Done - $50

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Fuq Arkansas.

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